

Sunday, January 29, 2017

The Divine In All Of Us
Jonah 3:1-5, 10
1 Corinthians 7:29-31
Mark 1:14-20
Divine Inspiration

Today’s readings are about prophets coming into town and sharing God’s message.  In the Old Testament, Jonah walks into town – Nineveh – not his own.  The people there don’t know him.  Yet, he walks into the center of the city, shares God’s message and the people believe him.  They fasted and put sackcloth on their heads.  They listened.  In the Gospel, Jesus walks by and he says, ‘hey, drop your nets and follow me; and they do, just like that.

Why is it that these people only had to hear the message once, and they jumped on it?  How many times do we need to hear a message before we take action?  I’ll give you an example that is happening right now as we speak – the water situation in Texas and the country overall.  Every day, we hear how far below the norm we are for rainfall, how boats are sitting on dry land because the lakes have shrunk or dried up entirely.  Yet, have we changed our own habits?  Have we taken steps to use less water in our daily lives?  Maybe.  But, likely not.  I’ll ask again – why did the people in the Old and New Testaments only have to hear the message once?  Why does it take us so many more times?

Well, practically speaking, life is a little more comfortable for us than it was for them.  Every day was a struggle for survival for the people in the Bible.  Our biggest struggle is traffic, or what to have for dinner.  But that doesn’t mean we need him – God – any less than the people in the Bible.  In fact, we need him more.  There are so many messages and influences in our times that are not from God, and we need Him to help us to hear the right ones, the ones He really wants us to hear. 

How do we hear God’s messages to us?  We hear them by listening to each other.  God speaks through every single one of us.  He doesn’t just choose one or two people.  He chooses us all.  He flows his words and his love through us all.  We just have to be open and listen for it.  That’s all.  It’s so simple – just listen.  And, pray that God gives you the right words – His words – when the moment to speak is upon you.


Readings and Divine Inspiration from Sunday, January 25, 2015

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