

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Honor Your Gifts
Isaiah 62:1-5
1 Corinthians 12:4-11
John 2:1-11
Divine Inspiration

We all have gifts that were given to us by God, whether we realize it or not.  In fact, often, not only do we not recognize our gifts, if we do, we try down-play it.  How many of us, when we’re complimented on something, respond with, “oh thanks, but it’s nothing.”  Or, if told we do something really well, say “Thanks, but not really.”  Well, when we do that, we are dishonoring what God has given to us and what we are meant to share with others.  God didn’t give us these gifts to be squandered.  He gave them specifically to each of us because he knew we have the capacity to really make good on whatever it is he blessed us with; no matter how big or small a gift it is.  To truly honor God, we need to recognize, respect and develop our gifts.  Can you imagine someone who may have the gift of being able to listen to people but not wanting to socialize?  It would be so sad because he or she wouldn’t be able to use and share that gift.  Or, how about someone who is good at putting colors and fabrics together but never makes the time to sew?  The world, or at least those around her, would be denied the opportunity to enjoy her creations.

When we deny the gifts and talents that God has given us, we hurt ourselves and we hurt others.  We hurt ourselves because we miss out on the deep fulfillment that comes from living one of God’s purposes for us.  And, we hurt others because they are not getting something that can make a difference in their life, too.  We may never know the impact of our gifts on others.  We may never know how we’ve touched or inspired others by expressing our gift from God.  But, that’s ok.  We may not be meant to know.  What’s important is that we perform and use and share and keep sharing our gift from God.  Recognize that gift, acknowledge it, grow it and share it.  And when we do that, we will experience the joy and fulfillment that can only come from God.


Readings and Inspiration from Sunday, January 20, 2013

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