

Saturday, December 31, 2016

He Started Small

Isaiah 60:1-6
Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6
Matthew 2:1-12
Divine Inspiration

Good morning, and happy New Year!  It IS a new year!  And, with a new year comes all sorts of hopes and expectations.  In fact, sometimes we think that since the New Year has begun, those hopes and expectations should become a reality right now!  It’s as if suddenly, we’re going to start doing all those things we’ve been meaning to do, like eat better, walk more and pray more.  We may even do all of them for a day or two, or a week or two.  But then, we seem to fall back into our normal patterns, and we may even get a little frustrated because nothing really has changed.  This is probably how the people back in Jesus’ time felt.  They were waiting and hopeful.  They had been told by multiple prophets that a great king was coming who would change everything.  Then, Jesus was born, and this new king, who was going to save them, had finally arrived.  The only thing, though, was that this new king was only a baby.  A baby!  What could a baby do?  On top of that, it was winter – the darkest, coldest time of the year, when the days are short and the darkness long.  So, what they had in the way of this big change that they were hoping for was a little baby in the darkest time of the year.  But, this is what God wanted, because the baby, the people, and the seasons were able to grow together over time. 

Jesus is and was the light of the world, and as he grew, so did his ability to reach more people.  He started small – an infant – and grew brighter and stronger until he reached all people around the whole world for all time.  And because of that, his impact was much, much bigger than if he had arrived as a full-grown king in a burst or explosion of light.  Keep this in mind as you wait and hope for the changes you want to make in this New Year.  Approach them as Christ approached the world – in a very small way at first, letting them grow and develop over time.  An example of this might be in how you eat – maybe you add a salad to one meal each day rather than changing your whole way of eating.  Or, maybe you walk two or three doors down and back rather than trying to take on the whole hallway.  Start small, let your changes take hold and watch them grow and change you for the better, just as Christ did as He grew and spread his light throughout the world.


Readings from Sunday, January 5, 2014.

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