

Sunday, February 5, 2017

We Are The Salt

Isaiah 58:7-10
1 Corinthians 2:1-5
Matthew 5:13-16
Divine Inspiration

What makes a difference in our lives?  The answer to that will vary from person to person.  But, in general, there are three things that tend to make the biggest difference in our lives.  They are faith, family, and our day-to-day work. 

In the gospel reading today, Jesus is asking us how to be our best selves.  It’s a theme that runs through the entire bible – helping others and praying to God for wisdom that we may share it with others.  This is what really makes the difference.  Both the Old Testament reading from Isaiah and the Gospel reading today refer to food, and specifically salt.  God flavors the world through us.  Mathew 5:13-16 refers to salt, and it says that if salt has lost its flavor, there is no other purpose for it.  We are the salt, and God uses us to make others’ lives better.  Salt was a valuable commodity in those days; it was critical to their survival because it preserved food.  We are just as critical to God and to our fellow human beings.  The salt of the earth – that’s who we are, sharing God’s love, wisdom and light with others.  You’ve heard the saying, “He’s not worth his salt.”  I ask you to think about this – are we worth our salt in God’s eyes?  Are we putting Him first and at the center of our lives?  Maybe not always, but that’s ok.  God still loves and accepts us as we are.  But, to be fulfilled, to truly make a difference, we must strive to be the salt that God uses to flavor mankind.


Readings and Divine Inspiration from Sunday, February 6, 2011

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