

Sunday, April 30, 2017

What Now?

Acts 1:1-11
Ephesians 1:17-23
Luke 24:46-53

Divine Inspiration

This morning, in the first reading which is from the Acts of the Apostles, the apostles find themselves standing there, looking up to the sky as Jesus had just been lifted up.  And, I believe they were probably thinking to themselves, “What now?”  Imagine all that they had just experienced and been through – from Jesus first coming on the scene, to their leaving their jobs, following him, his dying and his return.  It’s as if they had lived an entire lifetime in a matter of a few short months.  And now, here they were, left alone to look up at the sky and say, “What now?”

Well, the “What now?” was that it was time to learn something new.  For the apostles, it was time to learn how to lead.  Whether they knew it or not, they had a job to do, and that job was to step up and start the church and lead more people to God.

When is the last time you learned something new?  I imagine some of us may feel like those apostles standing there, looking up at the sky.  We may be thinking, “I’m tired, exhausted even, and I’ve lived an entire lifetime.  Isn’t it time for me to just rest?”  The answer to that is yes and no.  It’s always important to rest and recharge.  But, we can’t stay in that space all of our waking hours.  We must say to ourselves, “What now?” and learn something new.  It can be anything – from coloring in one of those new coloring books they have for adults, to getting some flowers, whether fake or fresh, and arranging them in new and different combinations.

I think that, often times, we have a tendency to think that if we haven’t learned a skill by a certain age or point in life, that we’re not going to ever learn it.  But, that’s not true!!  It is never too late to learn a new skill.  There is so much to be gained from it, from the new grooves you put in your brain to the deep sense of fulfillment that comes from seeing the new creation come to life.  Imagine how the apostles must have felt as they saw people grow in their faith and the earliest church being to form.  They probably had no idea they had it in them.  After all, it was Jesus who had started it all and Jesus who had done all the miracles.  They were just the loyal friends who had helped and served and protected him.  But, no, they had an important role to play, too, and it was time for them to step into it.

What new role or phase or activity will you step into?  What fun thing will you learn how to do?  Are you still asking yourself, “What now?”  You have the ability to answer that question.  You need only to listen to God, to that voice deep down inside your heart, to know how God is calling you to answer that question.

Readings and Divine Inspiration from Sunday, May 8, 2016.

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