

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Conscious Love

Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41
Revelation 5:11-14
John 21:1-19

Divine Inspiration

In the Gospel today, Jesus asks Peter if Peter loves Jesus three times.  And, I have always wondered why.  First, Jesus knows everything.  He is the son of God and he has risen from the dead.  Surely he doesn’t need to ask anything; he is all-knowing, omnipotent.   So, why does he ask not once but three times?  Because it’s not about Jesus needing an answer.  It’s about Peter making a conscious decision and commitment to love the Lord.  The first time Jesus asked, Peter’s response was like ours whenever someone asks us how we’re doing – “Fine, thanks, and you?”  it rolls off the tongue without even thinking first.  The second time Jesus asked, Peter’s response was in the context of, ‘I just said yes, didn’t you hear me?’  There was thought behind Peter’s response, but not the thought Jesus was looking for.  The third time, Peter consciously and thoughtfully said ‘Yes, Lord, I love you.’  It wasn’t an automatic response or irritation at not having been heard.  It was from the heart.

Do we consciously commit to love the Lord from our hearts?  And, if we do, do we do it daily, or even hourly?  To consciously love the Lord with all one’s heart, mind and soul takes work and commitment, like a marriage.  It’s important because it deepens our relationship with God.  We can’t just assume He knows, because that doesn’t grow the relationship.  How much do we long to hear the words from a loved one?  It doesn’t warm us to simply know that the other one loves us, without hearing it and feeling it.  We must say it – often – and we must show it.

Maybe tomorrow, as we wake up, we can let our first thought be of the Lord, that we love Him and want to show Him.  And, maybe, if we start our day that way, the entire day and all of our actions will flow from that conscious love.

Readings and Divine Inspiration from Sunday, April 14, 2013.

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