

Sunday, March 19, 2017


1 Samuel 16:1B, 6-7, 10-13A
Ephesians 5:8-14
John 9:1-41

Divine Inspiration

Today is the 2nd Scrutiny.  The word scrutiny tends to conjure up a negative feeling.  We may think of our words and actions as being scrutinized by others, and the possibly criticized or judged.  And few of us like that.  But the word scrutiny here isn’t about looking with the purpose of criticizing.  It’s really about looking deep, deeper than you typically look or see on a normal day.  In the Lenten Season, it’s meant to encourage us to look deep into ourselves, our hearts, our words and our actions. 

In the reading from the Old Testament, the Lord said to Samuel, “Not as man sees does God see, because man sees the appearance, but the Lord looks into the heart.”  God sees into our hearts every day, whether it’s Lent or not.  What does he see?  Do we know?  Have we looked into our own hearts recently to see what’s living there?  And if we have, do we like what we see?  This is what scrutiny is all about.  Paul’s letter to the Ephesians and the Gospel are all about seeing, coming out of the dark and the blindness and really taking a look at ourselves.  And then, once we see, it’s time to make the change that we want in our lives.  It’s not about changing out of fear of judgment.  It’s about making changes out of a love of God and others that helps us to love ourselves. 

Lent is half over.  But that doesn’t mean we can go back on auto-pilot.  No, we need to take this time to ask God to open our eyes, to give us the courage to really look and see deep into our hearts, and the strength to work on the dark areas we want to clean up.  Only God can help us with this.  It’s a reminder to us of just how much we need Him – with all our hearts, souls and minds.  And through this time of scrutiny, of asking God to open our eyes and work on what we see, we will come through with a deeper, richer loving relationship with God, with each other and with our own selves.

Readings and Divine Inspiration from Sunday, March 15, 2015

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