

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Breathe Out Compassion

1 Samuel 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a
Ephesians 5:8-14
John 9:1-41

Divine Inspiration

Today’s reading from the Old Testament involves Samuel making a judgment about Eliab.  It says that, “Samuel looked at Eliab and thought, ‘Surely the Lord’s anointed is here before him.’  But the Lord says to Samuel, “Do not judge from his appearance or from his lofty stature.  No man sees as God sees.  Man sees the appearance, but God sees into the heart.”  This is a tremendous reminder of the old adage not to judge a book by its cover.  It seems logical, and we all may be thinking to ourselves, ‘Well sure, I know that!’  But knowing and doing are two different things.  How often do we hear about political or wealthy figures in the news coming upon a hardship and we think, ‘Oh, well, I’m sure he or she can afford it?’  Or, the opposite can happen, such as what happened to Samuel – we see someone who appears to be great at what they do or beautiful or just have it all together, and we think, ‘Wow, that person must have a great life!’  And again, it’s just our perception.  We don’t know what that person is dealing with inside, in their hearts.  But, God does.  He is the only one who does.  Even those who we call our closest friends and family have issues on their hearts that only God sees, not us.

When we feel that moment of judgment coming on, you know – the eyebrows start to go up, a sigh of exasperation starts to form in the back of our throats – we can catch ourselves in that moment.  We can give compassion instead of judgment, even if the other person looks like they’re not in need of any.  Take a deep breath and replace judgment, any type of judgment – for better or for worse – with the belief and mindset that we DON’T see everything, and breathe out kindness and compassion.  This continual practice of giving kindness and compassion to everyone around us will make us softer, gentler, more accepting and loving people filled with God’s love.


Readings and Divine Inspiration from Sunday, March 10, 2013.

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