

Sunday, July 16, 2017

It’s The Little Things That Matter

Zechariah 12:10-11, 13:1
Galatians 3:26-29
Matthew 25:31-46

Divine Inspiration

What can you do to make someone else’s life just a little easier?  What is one thing that may not be a big thing for us, but it makes such a difference in someone else’s life?  It can be something as small as a smile, a kind word, a phone call to say, “I’m thinking of you.”  I love the part of today’s Gospel in which Jesus says, “I was naked and you clothed me.  I was hungry and you fed me.”  And, one of the disciples asks him when – “When, Lord, did I do all these things?”  And, Jesus explains that when that person helped others, he helped Jesus. 

Jesus – God – the Holy Spirit – is a part of and in each one of us.  He is there, in our soul.  When we do something for someone – anyone – we are doing it for God.  Some of us do a lot for others.  Some of us go out of our way to make others happy.  But, some of us could do a little more, if we are truly honest with ourselves.  In today’s Gospel, Jesus says to take up his cross daily.  The image of the cross may make you think that you have to do big and hard things every day.  But, I don’t think that that’s what Jesus meant.  I think He meant that we just need to look beyond our own issues, maladies and pain to think of and reach out to someone else; whether it’s in a big way or a small way.

I’ll give you a couple of examples from my life – one where my small action helped someone, and one in which I could have taken a small action but didn’t and regretted it.  Last week, I heard that one of our friends from our small church group had her mom pass away.  I could have just sent a card and she would have been glad to have received it.  But instead, I took five minutes to call instead and let her know how much I care.   I could tell in her voice and words that this one call made a difference for her, and it made me feel good to know I could ease her pain a little, too.  The other example is a little lighter.  Yesterday as my husband Craig and I got ready to jump into our pool, I grabbed a towel for myself but not one for him.  I could have gotten one for him, but I assumed he’d just get his own.  When he asked if I had gotten one for him, I felt bad.  It’s a tiny thing that would have made him happy. 

This is what I’m talking about here – serving each other in little ways; ways that are not difficult or particularly time-consuming.  They just take a little thoughtfulness.  But they can make a big difference in making someone else feel loved, cared for and appreciated.  This is how we can take up our cross every day and serve one another while serving the Lord.


Readings and Divine Inspiration from Sunday, June 23, 2013.

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