

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Be Amazed!

Deuteronomy 4:32-34
Romans 8:14-17
Matthew 28:16-20

Divine Inspiration

Be amazed at the Glory of God!

Be AMAZED at the Glory of God!

As we go about our days, our lives, our own issues, it is easy to take the Lord for granted.  Sure, we love Him and we pray to Him; that’s not in question.  But do we really ever step back to just revel in how AWESOME God is?

In the Old Testament, Moses asks the people if they have ever seen or heard anything so great as the Voice of God.  Think about it – God had just brought them out of Egypt and slavery.  He parted the Red Sea, for Heaven’s sake!  And yet, the people fell back into their daily issues and worries and started complaining again.  They had failed to continue to be amazed at God’s glory.

In the Gospel, the eleven disciples are travelling with Christ.  They see all He is doing – the teaching, healing and miracles – and yet, they doubted.  They failed to be amazed by the glory of God.  And there were there with Him!

When we get caught up in our own fears, doubts and issues, and we fail to be amazed by God, we’re not alone!  In fact, we’re in good company.  But, that doesn’t mean we should give up.  No, to the contrary, we should try to remember and find something every single day that reminds us of God’s glory and amazes us.  Maybe it’s seeing a beautiful picture of the land.  Maybe it’s simply seeing the sun!  Maybe it’s a phone call from a loved one or a smile from a dear friend.  All of this comes from God and is a reminder of how much He loves us.  And when take time to notice the signs he sends to us every single day, when we realize just how very much He loves us, it is truly awesome, truly amazing.

Be amazed at the glory of God.  Be amazed every day with the signs of His love for us.  And, share that love with one another. 


Readings and Divine Inspiration from Sunday, May 31, 2015

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